Rebooting The Economic Populist

Hello Folks,

It's been a while since we've published and we're just now trying to reboot the site and write original material again.  We had two major events which caused the long downtime.  First, the St. Louis Federal Reserve refused to listen to their customers and changed their graphing system, for the worse.  That left us with a nonfunctioning site.  It seems the Fed's graphs are still awful, but now are not slowing the site down to a crawl, hence we can start publishing again without removing over 4000 articles which link to the St. Louis Federal Reserve graphs.

Then, our lives blew up.  On a personal note, my family ended up in the courts with me being pulled in to be guardian of multiple family members.  Navigating the U.S. healthcare system, probate circuit court, multiple state laws plus dealing with multiple illnesses, including Dementia, has been a 24/7 job.  It is all consuming unless one wants to throw relatives to the state and thus the dogs.  At least things have gotten squared away enough so I can refocus on economics and American labor.

With that, please check back and consider commenting.  We also welcome and encourage other Journalists to submit material and write.  The Instapopulist is open to all and some have kept the site going by writing there.

Help us regroup and reboot.  Corporations are still running the county and the U.S. middle class continues to be swept under the rug.

Update: It seems the Federal Reserve made it extremely difficult to obtain raw data.  This is so infuriating they would do that, but as we said previously, never trust the Fed!  No surprise since the Fed is clearly hell bent on destroying a once very useful economics tool.  This does cripple us, but there are other economic statistical government branches publishing developer APIs, etc.  If anyone knows of web tools, plugins that create professional graphs quickly, we're interested and please let us know.  Clearly the St. Louis Fed. tools have been destroyed and we not only need to not use them, but also obtain replacements.  We just cannot right now create graphs the way we have.  We're on the hunt for open source, web based graphing code and APIs so we can once again quickly illustrate our economic overviews as well as replace graphs in the archive.  Thanks for your help.

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You're back!

So glad to see you are back.

Always take care of family first.


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Thank you! Dementia is nasty business

But at least the FRED graphs are loading, although it looks like the actual site is a disaster as well, so gone is easily obtaining raw data for analysis. Upward, onward!

Glad you are back.

Also glad you were able to be of help to the family when they needed it. That can come at great personal cost, in my experience, so know you aren't alone.

Welcome Back!

Been checking in regularly... very happy this morning. Looking forward to the future. Welcome back.

Sorry For Your Troubles

I have been checking in periodically, but less frequently over time. I started to think you'd been crushed by the loss of your charts and would not return.

I am glad that things have improved sufficiently though so that the FRED situation is no longer catastrophic and that you are back.

Dementia is indeed a terrible thing. Your relatives are very lucky indeed to have you around to help them.

Ah my favorite, technical difficulties

I MUST switch this site to Wordpress. I was hoping to write and instead, you guessed it, chased down major bugs after yet another security must update rev. from team Drupal. Honestly and I complain about FRED? Hmmm.

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another favorite, laptop blows up

Good God, my LMDE on an old laptop disintegrated and I ended up having to reformat the hard drive. Sorry folks for yet another day of silence!