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Perhaps Globalists Shouldn’t be Questioning Other People’s Patriotism
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The ADP Employment Report Trick or Treat Surprise is 130,000 Jobs
- 13545 reads
Case-Shiller Shows Housing Price Gains Continue
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PIGS and the ouzo effect
- 29771 reads
Q4 2011 Flow of Funds Shows Corporate Cash is King
- 22564 reads
Greedy Executive Pay Gets a Scolding and Not Much Else
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John Taylor's Guns A'Blazing on Federal Reserve Mistakes
- 11195 reads
Ralph Gomory and the Ketchum Goals
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A Couple of Short Articles on a Dollar Comeback
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While Social Security is Under Attack, Billions are Lost in Afghanistan
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The GDP of Stimulus
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good calculation
very astute
footnote on "unaccounted for oil"
thanks for oil updates
Well, it's kinda obvious
Thanks for your good text this week
My: That’s the way
Why does Mr. Gemma not
I am going to say that really
Why are you blaming the
Do you think Covid is "Over"?
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Vox Populi
The ADP Employment Report Trick or Treat Surprise is 130,000 Jobs
- 13545 reads
Case-Shiller Shows Housing Price Gains Continue
- 21143 reads
PIGS and the ouzo effect
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Q4 2011 Flow of Funds Shows Corporate Cash is King
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Greedy Executive Pay Gets a Scolding and Not Much Else
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John Taylor's Guns A'Blazing on Federal Reserve Mistakes
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Ralph Gomory and the Ketchum Goals
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A Couple of Short Articles on a Dollar Comeback
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While Social Security is Under Attack, Billions are Lost in Afghanistan
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The GDP of Stimulus
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The Golden Rule
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New York Post Claims Census Falsifies Unemployment Figures
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Safeway Skewered for Throwing 6,000 Workers Under the Bus in Video Parody
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VAT or Value Added Tax is Getting a Look in D.C.
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