Friday Movie Night - Allen Stanford and Diamonds

 It's Friday Night! Party Time!   Time to relax, put your feet up on the couch, lay back, and watch some detailed videos on economic policy!


Tonight, a 1994 Frontline video on the diamond industry and it's control on the value and supply, which has supposedly changed since 2000, and also a CNBC documentary on Fraudster, Ponzi Scheme runner, Allen Stanford.


Secrets of the Knight: Sir Allen Sanford and the Missing Billions


The Diamond Empire (1994)


I would also like to say something to those content producers using online videos. Get it together and put your advertisements in the media stream and enable embedding. You just don't get it that today's online world is like a million niche audiences and people are just not going to go to "your" website, spending hours previewing, just to discover your content. Each blog is almost a programming channel and there isn't anyway to really get a lot of views (thus advertising revenues) with online media without enabling embedding onto other specialty sites.
