By now we are used to some bombshell news being released on Friday Evening, so we might as well preempt the surprise so we all can enjoy the night. So today we're going to guess at the surprise and I'll just update the predictions if they come true.
Calculated Risk is showing the stocks of Wachovia and National City plummet after the WaMu failure (ssssh! it's a buy out, really!).
Now Citigroup and Wachovia are in some sort of negotiations (like WaMu?). Oops, they are not....ooops, now there are a handful of suitors for a buy out..
oops, someone is resigning to spend more time with their family....ooops...
where have we seen these sound bytes before?
Magic secret decoder ring? Sounds like Wachovia is going down.
Bank Implode - O Meter is a failure watch blog.
Jim Cramer leaks a bank in Ohio will fail soon. National City is in Ohio.
Update: Fortis Gets a Rescue.
Update2: Wachovia:
Wachovia is the largest holder of option ARMs, ahead of Washington Mutual Inc., the Seattle-based lender that collapsed last week. The mortgages, which the bank calls ``pick-a-pay,'' represent 73 percent of Wachovia's loan portfolio
and check out this sound banking practice:
``Option ARMs were used to shoehorn people into homes they couldn't afford in the hope that home price appreciation would cover for any loss in the future,'' said Guy Cecala, publisher of Inside Mortgage Finance
Fortis Bank now in trouble
The credit crisis goes global