Sunday Morning Comics - PowerPoint Slides Edition

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Cup O' Joe


Good Morning! Rise and Shine! Get that Cup O' Joe...
break out the O.J....hang out with the pooch...time to check out the Funnies!


How not to use PowerPoint


Cartoonist: Nate Beeler


Cable Talk Show Debate


Cartoonist: Mike Luckovich


Make it Rain Bank of America


Cartoonist: Tom Toles


Toyotathon of Death


Cartoonist: Matt Bors



two of these are h/t to Ritholtz

which is rare, but he found a couple of great ones in the past week.

Doonesbury again

Wish I had the computer skills to post Doonesbury today. It's as if Garry Trudeau, the cartoonist, reads this site (and perhaps he does!). It's about bankers' lack of conscience.

Ray Joiner

user guide and admin forum

are a host of HTML examples to learn. But NEVER upload these cartoons, I'm playing a trick here to make sure I don't get in trouble but frankly I wish they would use flash, embedding and then a little ad before viewing so I could share these guilt free.

Point is this site has all sorts of information, tools, including an admin forum to learn how to format posts and comments.
