Angry Bear

March 2024, Subsidy Enhancements Allow ~ Half of all Enrollees to be Eligible for Free Benchmark ACA Silver Coverage

It has been a while since I have commented on anything ACA related. This popped up in my in-box. I follow Andrew Sprung for the technical side of it. xpostfactoid’s Andrew and Charles Gaba at ACASignups are my go-to people on ACA healthcare and healthcare. To answer this question . . . how can it […]

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Things are So Bad, Industrial and Manufacturing Production are close to 10-year Highs

Industrial and manufacturing production close to 10 year+ highs in June  – by New Deal democrat If the news in housing construction the other morning was cautionary, the news on manufacturing and industrial production was very good. Manufacturing production (red in the graph below) rose 0.4% in June, and is only 0.2% below its post-pandemic […]

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GOP pretending it is pro-union

GOP Pretends as usual By Robert Reich Substack The Republican Party began its national convention last night, with a bow to . . . (wait for it) . . . organized labor. Or Unions. You read that correctly. A few days ago, the Republican National Committee sent out an email with this remarkably ironic headline: […]

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‘Morning Joe’ Hosts Criticize NBC for Pulling Show After Trump Assassination Attempt

By Alyssa Lukpat WSJ AB: Wondering what NBC News is afraid of with Morning Joe. The hosts of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” said they were disappointed NBC News pulled the show off the air on Monday in the wake of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Joe Scarborough, one of the hosts, said NBC told them on Sunday night […]

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Asking questions and dealing with the answers

One motivation to getting my genome sequenced was to see whether I had known risk alleles for dementia (spoiler alert: I don’t). My dad was diagnosed with frontotemporal lobe dementia a few years before he died. His brain biopsy after death returned a diagnosis of Alzheimers. He might have had both. One of the known […]

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General Motors Lansing Grand River Plant Conversion to Electric Vehicles

General Motors Receives $500M Federal Grant to Electrify Lansing Grand River Plant by R.J. King DBusiness Magazine AB: Plant conversions from building gasoline and diesel driven vehicles to EVs. A timely move even if the newer models will require need modifications in later years. General Motors Co. today announced it has received a $500 million grant […]

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Housing permits and starts stabilizing, but construction?

Housing permits and starts stabilize, but construction comes close to generating yellow recession caution signal  – by New Deal democrat There was good news and bad news in this morning’s report on housing permits, starts, and construction. The good news is that both permits and starts stabilized after last month’s initially reported multi-year lows. The […]

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Direct-to-consumer MRIs and the democratization of health care information

Several years ago, I got my genome sequenced and obtained my variant call files, the tabulation of all differences between my gene sequences and the annotated human genome. Although my primary care physician was aware, I didn’t require his intermediation to obtain or interpret my genomics data. How I might react to adverse information was […]

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Alienated labour and disposable time

By Tom Walker Econospeak Book proposal: Marx’s Fetters and the Realm of Freedom: a remedial reading — part 2.4 Marx’s remarkable, yet largely neglected statement that “[t]he whole development of wealth rests on the creation of disposable time” and his subsequent analysis of the relationship between disposable time, superfluous products, and surplus value suggests an […]

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Derailing JD’s Political Career

J.D. Vance’s Yale Law School Classmates Trying To Derail His Political Career It’s not flattering to the GOP pick for Vice President By Kathryn Rubino  Sigh. So Yale Law School’s own J.D. Vance was selected as Donald Trump’s running mate yesterday. It’s a victory for ass-kissers everywhere, and those who haven’t spent the last few years writing about the very junior senator from Ohio are trying […]

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Retail Sales Declined and a Slight Downtrend

The yellow caution flag on retail consumption is up  – by New Deal democrat Retail sales declined -0.1% in June, but since consumer inflation also declined -0.1%, real retail sales were unchanged for the month. There was an upward revision to May which helped out the comparisons slightly, but for the entire first half of […]

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Book Review: Death in the Haymarket

I was born into an America where the eight-hour workday was widely observed. But what was for me just another fact of life was a hard-won right of the labor movement that cost hundreds of lives. “Death in the Haymarket: A Story of Chicago, the First Labor Movement and the Bombing that Divided Gilded Age […]

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NYT on Trump, Orban to Mar-a-Lago, and Fake Electors to Crown Trump

Thom Hartmann Commentary Some interesting reads . . . Finally: The New York Times Editorial Board Calls for Republicans To Reject Trump.  Calling him “Dangerous in Word, Deed, and Action,” the Times editorial board laid out, in detail, how deranged Trump is and how deadly his second presidency would be to American democracy and to the […]

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Without swift action, the VA will continue ‘eliminating choice for millions of veterans’

by Jasper Craven Task & Purpose In mid-April, U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, a Montana Democrat, and Sen. Jerry Moran, a Kansas Republican, sent a letter to Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough demanding to know why the agency was wounding itself.  Specifically, they worried about a series of seemingly contradictory eligibility and staffing policies. In […]

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In praise of slow cars

by Lloyd Alter Carbon Upfront! The size an style of these vehicles will not make you embrace them as an alternative form of transportation. The concept is solid though. The savings to be achieved is realistic. The impact on our environment would be enormous. It is about time America abandons the too big, too fast, […]

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We are in Uncharted Territory

The inverted Treasury yield curve: we are in uncharted territory  – by New Deal democrat We passed a significant anniversary last week: the spread for the 10-year minus 2-year Treasury has been inverted for over 2 years (blue in the graph below). The 2-year minus 3-month Treasury spread has also been inverted for 20 months […]

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USPS regulator says DeJoy should pause all network reform efforts

by Steve Hutkins Save the Post Office Steve is my go to person for the USPS. Both Dan and I have known him for about a decade. Steve and others who have featured on Save the Post Office have been writing on its operation for years. Mostly the topics have been covering Postmaster Louis Dejoy’s […]

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Medicare Advantage and Consolidation’s New Frontier – The Danger of “United Healthcare” for All

by Hayden Rooke-Ley, Soleil Shah, and Erin C. Fuse Brown New England Journal of Medicine Introduction The government will pay roughly $500 billion to insurance companies in 2024 to administer the Medicare Advantage program, including 23% more per beneficiary than it spends on traditional Medicare . . . equivalent to an extra $88 billion per year. Medicare Advantage plans cost […]

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My reasons for confidence about the election

By Infidel753 Infidel753 Blog My Independence Day post was largely a repudiation of the lurch into pessimism and panic which has been evident in some quarters over the last couple of weeks.  This stance is not rooted solely in my natural antipathy for pessimists and cynics.  I have solid reasons, based on evidence and facts, for optimism […]

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USPS Mail Delays in Georgia: Better but still bad

Mail Delays are problematic in Georgia. Once again, we are heading into an election, and postal service to constituents is not what it should be. I believe Senator Ossoff would call the service “bad.” And again, the same two candidates are running against each other. This just adds to the voting issues facing Democrats and […]

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