tax havens

May the Cayman Islands be so overloaded with rats it sinks

It's not enough to run a financial institution into the ground, but when a nation tries to limit executive pay, bankers scurry like rats to the Cayman Islands:

A group of 45 bankers at Barclays yesterday bypassed potential curbs on pay and bonuses by jumping ship to set up a Cayman Islands company and manage $12.3 billion of Barclays’ most toxic debt. They will be paid at least $400 million over ten years (see Commentary, facing page).

In an exotic piece of financial engineering, the bank will lend $12.6 billion to Protium, a newly created Cayman Islands-registered hedge fund, to buy the toxic assets.

Obama to Crack Down on Tax Evasion?

This should be fun. The incoming Obama administration has eyed a new revenue source to help defray some of the budget shortfall.

Cracking down on offshore tax havens.

President-elect Barack Obama plans to crack down on international tax havens, including Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man, within weeks of taking power in January, putting him on a collision course with Gordon Brown.

There is growing international pressure to outlaw the secretive practices of tax havens as a key part of reforms to the world's battered financial system, as the leaders of the world's 20 most powerful economies gather for a major conference in Washington next weekend....
