
Happy Holidays From The Economic Populist

It's that time of year to ring in the joy and revel in festivities.  Yet another year has passed and economic injustice, inequality and the great financial crisis taxpayer ripoff is further in the historical dust heap and buried under the corporate propaganda political rug.  It's also time to view funny economic cartoons.

Don't Expect Increase in Corporate Tax Rates ... Ever

No matter what party controls Congress, or who is President, corporate taxes will never increase as a share of GDP or as a share of corporate profits.  If anything, the rate will only go lower, more deductions will be added, and the same tax breaks they already have will be extended (making some permanent) — just like they did in the last spending bill.

Social Security was mentioned ONCE in last GOP Debate

Well actually, twice, if you count the moderator. With all the griping that the Republicans and their thinks tanks have been doing about Social Security, one would have expected to hear someone say something on the subject ... anything at all. Maybe it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, rather than to speak and remove all doubt.

New Budget Deal Cuts Social Security, But How?

MSNBC, CNN, HLN and Fox News have all been reporting non-stop about the Spring Valley school officer caught on video slamming a South Carolina student to the ground during an arrest — but very few details are being reported by the media about the new budget deal, which will soon go to a vote. (BTW, the student wasn't even hurt, but that has been "breaking news" for hours now.)

CEOs Offshore Jobs for "Humanitarian" Reasons

Is it America's moral duty and global responsibly to make sacrifices in our own lives to help other people in other countries to raise their standard-of-living? 

Some people will use that argument to defend their practices of offshoring jobs overseas to low-wage countries, making it appear that somehow our "job creators" are doing something noble for humanity.
